We are fully booked for Valentine's Day delivery and pickups, and can no longer accept orders for Valentine's Day. We will reopen on Monday 2/17. We thank you for your support!

Colonial Florist, Your Local Minford Florist

Featured Floral Arrangements

Flower delivery in Minford

We're a real brick and mortar florist located 8 miles from the center of Minford.

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Colonial Florist
7450 Ohio River Rd
Portsmouth, Ohio 45662
Leave a Review
REGINA McguireREGINA Mcguire
one week ago
All my arrangements have been exactly what they were suppose to be and I loved them!! Thanks to you all for always doing a great job 🎉
Brandy CochranBrandy Cochran
last year
They have a lot to choose from. Always very helpful
Eli DuduitEli Duduit
last year
Great flowers and excellent service!
Barbara LeightenheimerBarbara Leightenheimer
2 years ago
Fresh flowers in beautiful arrangements arrived on time. Could not have been happier
Lisa MaloneLisa Malone
2 years ago
The only florist I deal with. Friendly staff and beautiful merchandise
Robert WillardRobert Willard
3 years ago
Staff made things very easy. Beautiful arrangements.
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